Rabu, 21 September 2016

Information on Clinical Trials for Mesothelioma

Clinical trials on Mesothelioma aim to evaluate the effect of asbestos upon cells, and how the cells are changed by exposure to this material. Learning the mechanism of asbestos reactions in the body helps to answer many important questions. Clinical Trials also help to optimize treatment and provide newer ways for early diagnosis.

Some Recent and Current Clinical Trials from Around the World Include:

Phase II Feasibility Study of EPP (Extrapleural Pneumonectomy) with Intraperitoneal Heated Cisplatin / Intraoperative Intrathoracic with Sodium Thiosulfate: This study involves a treatment consisting of EPP (removal of both the lung and its lining) followed by chemotherapy (Cisplatin) administered in the operating room. The drug is introduced into the chest and abdomen for one hour after the surgical removal of the cancer. The goal in this study is to use EPP to surgically remove the Mesothelioma and to use the chemotherapy to contain the local spread of the disease.

Randomized Phase II Feasibility Study of Decortication / Pleurectomy without and with Intraperitoneal Heated Cisplatin / Intraoperative Intrathoracic with Sodium Thiosulfate Followed by Adjuvant Cisplatin / ALIMTA® This study is for patients who are surgical candidates for a decortication / pleurectomy (removal of the lining of the lung and visible disease) but are unable to undergo a pneumonectomy (removal of the lung). 

Patients will be randomized into one of two treatment groups. Group 1 will undergo pleurectomy/decortication followed by chemotherapy (cisplatin) administered in the operating room (Cisplatin will be introduced into the chest and abdomen for one hour after the surgical removal of the cancer). Six to eight weeks following surgery, chemotherapy (ALIMTA® plus Cisplatin) will be administered. Group 2 will undergo pleurectomy/decortication. Six to eight weeks following surgery, chemotherapy (ALIMTA® plus Cisplatin) will be given.

Phase III Study of Onconase and doxorubicin Versus doxorubicin Alone, For Patients With Malignant serosa or serous membrane mesothelioma WHO Have Had No over One previous therapy program.

Alimta & Gemcitabine the purpose of this clinical trial is to determine any side effects of these drugs and to test the safety of the treatment. It will also ascertain whether the treatment can prolong the lives of mesothelioma patients, assess whether the combinations of these drugs alters the size of the tumor and whether patients feel any improvement whilst receiving the treatment.

Neoadjuvant Pemetrexed Disodium and Cisplatin followed by Surgery and Radiation Therapy: The purpose of this clinical trial is to study the effectiveness of this treatment followed by surgery and then radiation therapy. The trial also hopes to determine whether the therapy will shrink the tumor and also monitor for any side effects. 

The process will entail an infusion of pemetrexed disodium and an hourly infusion of Cisplatin every three weeks for up to four courses. This is to be followed by Surgery within 3-8 weeks of completion of chemotherapy, radiation therapy beginning 4-8 weeks after surgery and three monthly evaluations for two years.

Intra pleural BG00001: The purpose of this clinical trial is to monitor the effect of treatment on the body’s ability to fight cancer, to study effectiveness of treatment on patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma or malignant pleural effusions, and to monitor for any side effects. The process will entail the placement of a catheter between the lung and chest wall through which treatment will be administered. 

Weekly evaluation for one month; followed by fortnightly evaluation for one month and monthly evaluation for four months ensues. After this, patients will receive six monthly evaluations for fifteen years.

Erlotinib on Patients with Solid Tumours or Liver/Kidney Dysfunction: The purpose of this trial is to assess whether or not the treatment hinders the growth of cancer cells, to assess the effectiveness of the treatment on patients with metastatic or unresectable solid tumors and to assess any side effects from the treatment. The process will entail a once-daily administering of treatment by mouth for as long as benefits continue.

PTK787/ZK 222584: For patients with Unresectable Malignant Mesothelioma. The purpose of this trial is to assess the positive effects of this drug on the growth of tumor cells, to study the effectiveness of the drug on patients and to assess and monitor any side effects. The process will entail administering the drug once daily by mouth for as long as benefits are evident. Evaluations are bi-monthly for a year; four monthly for a year; and twice yearly for a year.

SS1 (dsFv) – PE38 Immunotoxin (for advanced cancer patients): The purpose of this trial is to assess the maximum dose of treatment that can be safely administered to patients with advanced malignancies, monitor and evaluate their response to the treatment and to determine the effects of the drug upon the test group.

Clinical trials are a hope for Mesothelioma patients that a better cure is not far away. The objective behind the trials is to develop new diagnostic tools, new therapeutic agents and effective modalities of treatment.

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